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Getting Started with Canvas Observer (Parent) Guide


Please follow these steps to get set up in Canvas BEFORE your first day of school. 


  1. Have your learner log into Canvas using the "Getting Started with Canvas Student Guide" above.
  2. Have your learner click on "Account" in the top left corner of their page.
  3. Have your learner click on "Settings" and then "Pair with Observer" on the left side of the screen. A pop-up window will appear with the code for you. Leave the code up on the learner's screen until you follow the next two steps.
  4. Go to and click on "Parent of a Canvas User" in the top right hand corner.
  5. Complete the Parent Sign Up fields and use the code generated in Step 3 where it says "Student Pairing Code".
  6. Click "Start Participating" and then log in to Canvas using the username and password you created.
  7. Download the Canvas student app for iOS or Android.


For Android

  • Open the Play Store on your Android device 
  • In the search bar type “Canvas Parent”
  • Install the app
  • Open the app
  • Click "QR Login" then "I have a Canvas Account"
  • Hold up your app to the computer screen where the QR code appeared
  • If your student does not automatically appear, tap the + button at the top where it says "Add Student"
  • Type in the "Student Pairing code" you used earlier                    



For iOS

  • Open the App Store on your Apple device
  • In the search bar type “Canvas Parent”
  • Install the app.
  • Open the app
  • Click "QR Login" then "I have a Canvas Account"
  • Hold up your app to the computer screen where the QR code appeared
  • If your student does not automatically appear, tap the + button at the top where it says "Add Student"
  • Type in the "Student Pairing code" you used earlier   




Getting Started with Canvas Student Guide 


Please follow these steps to get set up in Canvas BEFORE your first day of school. 


  1. Go to  and sign in with your Rogers Schools username and password (whatever you use for your computer).
  2. Click on “Account” in the top left corner of your page. 
  3. Click Settings, then scroll down to the Google Drive button under “Other Services” and click on it. Authorize Google Drive Access by logging in to Google. 
  4. Download the Canvas student app for iOS or Android 


For Android

  • Open the Play Store on your Android device. 
  • In the search bar type “Canvas Student”
  • Install the app.
  • Open the app
  • Tap the “Find my school” button
  • Type (Do not type in Rogers New Technology High School even though it asks for the school name)
  • Sign in with your Rogers Schools username and password                      



For iOS

  • Open the App Store on your Apple device
  • In the search bar type “Canvas Student”
  • Install the app.
  • Open the app
  • Tap the “Find my school” button
  • Type (Do not type in Rogers New Technology High School even though it asks for the school name)
  • Sign in with your Rogers Schools username and password