Tutoring Schedules
All -Sprenkel
Mon- 7:50am- 8:20am
Tue- 7:50am-8:20am & 3:35-4 PM
Wed & Fri- 7:50am-8:20am
Thu- 3:35-4 PM
Location: Room 217
Algebra 1-3 -Leichliter
Friday Afternoon 7:30am- 8:20am
Other Times by appointment
Location: Room 227
Algebra 2-3 -Shepherd
Wed & Thu 3:30-4 PM
Location: Room 212
Algebra 1/ Geometry- Martinez
Tue/ Wed/ Thu 3:35-4PM
By appointment Only:
Talk to Ms. Martinez or email Nicole.Martinez@rpsar.net
Location: Room 218
AP Cal/ AP Stats/ PreCalc/Geo- Nelson
Tue & Wed 3:35-4 PM
Friday 7:50am-8:20am
Location: Room 214
World Language
Times- 7:30am-8:25am/ 3:34pm- 4:15pm
By appointment only
Email learner Facilitator
Humanities Tutoring
English & History
By appointment only
Email appropriate facilitator
Civics, Econ, Sociology
By appointment
Mon, Tues, Wed and Fri
Time- 7:10am to 8:15am
Location: Room 211
By appointment only ( Tuesday Wednesday and Friday 4-4:30)
Email appropriate facilitator
Morning and afternoon
Elective Tutoring
Before and after school
Contact the facilitator in person or by email to set up a time.
PE/ Health
Lunch Time
Contact the facilitator in person or by email to set up a day.