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Work-Based Learning

If you are a prospective employer interested in learning more about the Rogers New Tech internship program, click on the link below. 

Employer Information

RNTHS Internship Program

Rogers New Technology High School offers the opportunity for all sophomores, juniors, and seniors to enroll in our internship program.

Internship provides valuable introductory work experience for 10th through 12th grade learners. A student may enroll in the Internship course for up to two years.

This course includes both classroom and worksite experience. It's a component of work-based learning that features sustained interactions with industry and community professionals in a real worksite environment.

Throughout their work experience, our internship participants are able to reflect upon their work experience with our internship facilitator, so they're able to enter the workforce with the guidance and support of an experienced educator. 

Student answering phones
Student working at Slim Chicken